ATLETICAGENEVE 2024 starts in:


Inspiring the new generations

Talent is like a little seed; when nurtured, it will flourish.

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Happy Easter : new collection kit

While the ATLETICAGENEVE committee is preparing for an excellent edition of the meeting (June 12), the Easter bunny has already brought his gifts: the new outfit collection with the new branding. We take this opportunity to inform you that we are working very diligently to offer an edition worthy of an Olympic year. After the devastating storm of 2019 and the cancellation of the 2020 edition, the athletes tell us how impatient they are for this edition. We will open registrations a little later than usual (April 26). From here, get ready because despite the restrictions we have to face, we are very optimistic and this edition is already shaping up to be fireworks! In the meawhile, we are happy to present our new collection kit (thank you A vos Marques !): A long-sleeved charcoal shirt A red polo shirt

Highlights of the Ordinary General Meeting of ATLETICAGENEVE

Highlights of the Ordinary General Meeting of ATLETICAGENEVE Geneva, Febraury 3, 2021 The ordinary general assembly of the organizing association of the ATLETICAGENEVE meeting took place on February 3, 2021 in an … unusual way. Indeed, it is the first time that it takes place in virtual mode and it is also the first time that it does not have to discuss the meeting. The reasons for these two “anomalies” are obviously to blame the pandemic which for a year has reigned supreme over all activities. But even without a meeting, the members who attended the assembly were not bored. The year 2020 has been important and dense. The organizing committee met (most often virtually) regularly throughout the year and was able to set up several projects, essential to support the development of the meeting. The magnitude of this and

June 12, 2021, maybe a lucky date?

June 12, 2021, maybe a lucky date? Unfortunately at the time of writing this article, the pandemic, with the virus but also its various variations, continues to create enormous difficulties all over the world. Some countries are declaring a new lockdown while for a few days the vaccination campaign has been organized everywhere. So, at 6 months of ATLETICAGENEVE, what are the prospects? No one can predict it and we are careful not to make predictions on such a complex and serious argument. However, one can hope that the vaccine will allow a gradual and rapid decline of the pandemic and that during the spring the situation – we hope – will gradually return to normal. Obviously, we are just a simple athletics meeting and have no pretensions. But our passion makes us dream and then we would like the

The Supporter Members campaign is launched

ATLETICAGENEVE is growing ! New image, new website, new ambitions, new structure ! ATLETICAGENEVE needs more support to strengthen and sustain its structure. This should enable it to assume its flagship role because there are many synergies with the cantonal movement and its bodies. They involve responsibilities that we wish to be able to continue to develop. Help ATLETICAGENEVE in achieving its objectives so that the meeting can continue to offer a spectacle of choice and that all athletics can benefit from it. Become a supporter member, join ATLETICAGENEVE !  

ATLETICAGENEVE new identity !

After over 30 years, AtletiCAGenève decided to modernize its corporate identity. It was time to say thank you and bye-bye ! Since the meeting was constituted as an association (January 2018), breaking away from the traditional link with the Centre Athlétique de Genève club, whose acronym CAG was prominently displayed in the name AtletiCAGenève, it was important to give a new impetus to this organisation. The typographic choice is based on a desire for clarity, readability and balance. The hope is that once and for all we no longer see such confusing misspellings: Athletic CAGenève, Athlétic A Genève, Athletic-Genève, athletiCA Genève, Atlhética Genève, Atletica Genève, Atlhetiquegenève, etc. ATLETICAGENEVE, now written linearly and in upper case, simplifies reading by removing the accent and using a single color, red. It is this same red that maintains the historical link with the former