ATLETICAGENEVE 2024 photos by are available by clicking here

© Photographers:  Richi Brandenberger, Peter Mettler & Ulf Schiller

Please Note:

Athletes, family members, and fans for strictly private use (like social media, personal website, photo book, sponsorship proposal, etc)

  • Free download (with watermark): 1500px x 1000px
  • Social Media: 1500px x 1000px CHF 5.00
  • High-Res : 4817px x 3211px CHF 12.00

ATLETICAGENEVE 2023 photos by are available by clicking here

© Photographers: Peter Mettler & Ulf Schiller

Please Note:

Athletes, family members, and fans for strictly private use (like social media, personal website, photo book, sponsorship proposal, etc)

  • Free download (with watermark): 1500px x 1000px
  • Social Media: 1500px x 1000px CHF 5.00
  • High-Res : 4817px x 3211px CHF 12.00


ATLETICAGENEVE - International meeting of Geneva

Since its creation in 1987, ATLETICAGENEVE has been serving athletes by offering the best international competition to Swiss athletes.
Co-founder of the EAP (Events for Athletics Promotion) circuit, ATLETICAGENEVE is a meeting where athletes adhere to the EAP Code of Conduct on the basis of the participation of athletes who do not cheat in any way.