Why do we say that the Stade du Bout du Monde track is magical?

Myth, legend or reality?

How many athletes have achieved extraordinary performances, the personal best, their qualification for the Olympic Games or, like this year, world championships?

There are several factors that mean that each year, we achieve exceptional results and that we have a very high retention rate.
ATLETICAGENEVE opens the international season in Switzerland. It is an unmissable event not only for the best Swiss athletes but also the British (often the 2nd most represented nation), the French (the 3rd), the Italians, Dutch, Belgians, Irish, Germans, ... etc
65 countries are represented for a total of 550 athletes!

It is also one of the most appreciated meetings for its direct access. Imagine 400 athletes landing at the airport on Friday alone, the day before the meeting, and who in 5 minutes are already at the Nash Airport Hotel! This comfort is unique and athletes know it well. Inevitably, this contributes to the attractiveness of the meeting.
Another reason is without other the particular mixture which composes the substrates of the track.

The day before, like a wandering, most will check. Some do a simple scrubbing, but the real reason is to see it, feel it, feel it, imagine it, project it, establish a dialogue, make a pact...

Another objective reason relates to the turns which are really wide and therefore optimal for the 200m and, moreover, for the 400m and 400m hurdles. No wonder athletes come in large numbers to seek their qualification for all the major championships. This year it will be especially for the world championships in Budapest.
Another ingredient is the quality of the wind. Almost always within the standards but above all almost always in favor!
And that is what makes the magic of this meeting.
Athletes in the 200 and 400m often tell of this peculiarity: the wind is favorable all along, in the two opposite straights and zero in the turns.
We don't have a scientific explanation, but looking at the location of the stadium, we can only hypothesize the following.
Located between the arms of the Arve river (cold water from the Mont-Blanc glacier) which flows around, then rows of trees on one side and the grandstand on the other, could channel the wind making it capable of this feat to accompany the athletes towards exploits!
So magic, legend, chance, science, ..?
Still, this year again something will happen for many athletes!

And the legend of the magic trail of the End of the World will remain intact!

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ATLETICAGENEVE - International meeting of Geneva

Since its creation in 1987, ATLETICAGENEVE has been serving athletes by offering the best international competition to Swiss athletes.
Co-founder of the EAP (Events for Athletics Promotion) circuit, ATLETICAGENEVE is a meeting where athletes adhere to the EAP Code of Conduct on the basis of the participation of athletes who do not cheat in any way.