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June 17, 2023
You can plan everything down to the smallest detail, but you never know what might happen in the end.
But this time again we got there.
All the conditions were met for this 35th edition to be a success. Such a high density of high-level athletes never seen on the Bout-du-Monde track. 82 countries represented and in sight the world championships of Budapest (and not only), produced the expected effect: excellent competitions in optimal conditions to lead to 8 meeting records (unheard of either!) and 8 national records.
What a pleasure to see athletes satisfied and wanting to share their joy and express their sincere gratitude to the organizers for this moment of pure magic. We were state of the art.
Thank you very much for delivering the best of yourself in one day.
It was a fireworks display of rare beauty made up of performances and emotions, of joy, from the first competition (meeting record in the women's hammer throw) until the last competition with this incredible PB in the B-series of the women's 800m thanks to an improvement of almost 4.8 seconds for Joceline Wind. It doesn't make sense, except for the magic of ATLETICAGENEVE!
We promised you a ⭐️ stellar edition, and 🌟stellar was !
At the day of the meeting, ATLETICAGENEVEwas ranked n° 19th in the World with 84,960 pts: meeting's and EAP's record !
🎯 8 meeting records:
- 100m Men: Arthur CISSE CIV, 9,96 (+1.4)
- 200m Men: Charlie DOBSON GBR, 20,19 (+1.3) (equaled)
- 400m Men: Leungo SCOTCH BOT, 44,82
- 400m Hurdles Men: Alessandro SIBILIO ITA, 48,23
- Shot Put Men: Andrei Rares TOADER ROU, 20,51
- Long Jump Women: Tara DAVIS-WOODHALL USA, 6,95 (+1.4)
- Hammer Throw Women: Aleksandra SMIECH POL, 71,14
- Triple Jump Women: Thea LAFOND DMA, 14.47 (+0.6)
Number of PBs set or equaled: 72
5 National records:
- 100m Men: Emmanuel ESEME, Cameroon, 10.01 (+ 1.4)
- 110m Hurdles Men: Jeremie LARARAUDEUSE, Mauritius, 13.55 (+ 1.0)
- 110m Hurdles Men: Louis François MENDY, Senegal, 13.33 (-0.3)
- Long Jump Men: Anwar ANVAROV, Uzbekistan, 8m22 (+ 0.9)
- 4x100m Women: Scottland (Rebecca MATHESON, Alyson BELL, Sarah MALONE, Georgina ADAM), 44.56
2 National U23 records:
- 100m Men: Raphael BOUJOU, Netherlands, 10.02 (+ 1.4)
- 4 x 100m Women: Switzerland (Natacha KOUNI, Iris CALIGURI, Léonie POINTET, Mélissa GUTSCHMIDT), 43.70
1 National U20 record:
- 4 x 100m Men: Switzerland (Jonathan GOU GOMEZ, Alexis HIRSIGER, Mathieu CHEVRE, Joël CSONTOS) 40.01
Over 160 volunteers !
Behind every great performance there is always a young volunteer in a flashy yellow t-shirt or a member of the team (in an orange t-shirt).
Thank you so much to all of Volunteers' team and Mr Jean-Noël PASINI for his coordination.
👀 Re-Live-the meeting !
- Watch on YouTube
- Photos : by AthletiX
- Presentation and Report
- Results, Short report and stats page
- Complete results (online or PDF)
- Social Media & useful links:
The Promotion goes on ! Last days : 20% Discount !
Our qualified partners decided to extend their promotional offer (reserved for newsletter readers), until July 2, 2023:
- KEYENA the spikes protection. 20% discount on your pair of KEY ONE until 2 July. Contact:
- FREELAP automated timing system specially designed for athletics training. 20% discount until 2 July (only for the Swiss Territory). Contact:
Become our supporter, donor, partner or sponsor.
A great variety of possibilities to support us and develop this extraordinary meeting. Join the adventure!
Did you know ?
We generate ~ 600 nights 🛌 in Geneva, ~ 500 flights 🛫at Geneva aiport !
Whether you want to support us discreetly or anonymously, or want to promote your brand, contact us:
Looking for the previous newsletters ?
Discover our archive section, scroll down this page !
Previous Newsletters
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May 27, 2023
Over 80 countries announced !
You can't miss it !
Not only an incredible number of countries are represented in this edition, but also a high density of top athletes and a selection of several young big talents destined to burst onto the international scene.
You can say: I was there, what emotion, I saw everything !
A stellar edition guaranteed !
Book your place !
At two weeks, you can still book your seat in the grandstands "A" !
As usual, you can still have a free entry, all around the track. The committee wants everyone to be able to admire these competitions and the athletes.
But if you wish to support the meeting, you can make a donation by buying, at the price of your choice, your place around the track (the "green zone" including the "Grandstands B" in particular to watch the Men's Pole Vault, the Women's High Jump, the men's javelin, the start of the 1500m, the first handover of the 4x100m relays, or hurdles 1 and 2 of the 400m hurdles).
The development of this event must cope with the significant increase in transport costs and, in general, other costs.
By buying a "free" ticket, your donation Pablo will allow us to continue to fulfill our role of promoting, Geneva and Switzerland's athletics.
You can also support us by becoming a supporter member or joining the "Club des 500"
The first of the major events of the season in Switzerland, ATLETICAGENEVE will allow you to see the country's best athletes at work against magnificent international competitors. Everyone is looking for qualifications for the world championships in Budapest.
So come and watch world-class competitions and races.
Big event requires volunteers !
We are still completing the volunteers' team and there are still some opening
We are still completing the team of volunteers and there are still a few positions to fill.
It is not necessary to be an expert in athletics. Your good will is enough to help the organization of this event.
Without you, the meeting could not organise it. Register here.
Together, let's put it together, register on our platform, whether it's setting up tents or putting up banners, or even driving minibuses, checking entrances to the track and several other positions, between Friday 9 (assembly), Saturday June 10 (D-Day) including dismantling after the meeting and help with storage on Sunday June 11. The choice is yours based on what suits you best.
Some top athletes participating at the meeting, will do the Warm-Up with the young geneva athletes, on Wednesday 7 June.
Specially arriving form the USA, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, Dominican Republic and Canada, those athletes will enjoy warming up, encourage and finally give awards to the best athlets.
Young athletes, 7-15 years old, can still register (deadline 31 May)! Click here
We are also looking for volunteers for this day.
And remember a dazzling Live-Stream !
(direct link will be commnicated later)
7 cameras will follow each movements, form start to finish line thanks to European Athletics !
Accompanied by Seltec® technology, images on the screen that combine information with emotions, thanks to quality graphic overlays. You will experience a global interactive experience which include timing, data management, live results, displays, graphics, video, TV production.
Visit also our first ATLETICAGENEVE village and meet our qualified partners :
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May 13, 2023
Your final 4 power-weeks !
Near 500 registrations 😮💨, 64 countries 🌎.
and it's only a beginning !
Dear friend,
There are novelties for this 35th edition.
Top level athletes announced, from all parts of the globe wanting and expecting to go Swifter, Higher, Stronger.
But they need your presence, your support, your complicity !
Visitors, this year you can pre-book a place for you, your family, your friends or customers and make sure you follow the meeting from A to Z. Get your ticket. Find the best formula at a very affordable price.
You'll witness 55 jaw-dropping finish line finishes and be able to watch 7 breathtaking jumping and throwing competitions in their entirety!
At each competition, there are titled stellar champions or young talents in search of qualification for the world championships in Budapest (HUN) or the European U23 championships in Espoo (FIN), the U20s in Jerusalem (ISR) or the U18 in Banska Bystrica (SVK) but also the European Team Championships in Silesia (POL). Something to hold your breath, vibrate over the emotions and let your joy burst!
Yes, immerse yourself in the magic of ATLETICAGENEVE which, each year, introduces you very closely to the best current and future athletes on the planet, including the Swiss elite.
And the best Geneva athletes too, to whom two queen events are dedicated: the 100m and the 800m U18, boys and girls.
It's still time for athletes, coaches, managers or media to register !
And Live-Stream !
This year 7 cameras will follow each movements, form start to finish line thanks to European-athletics (direct link will follow)!
You will be able to follow every moment, every effort, every grimace, smile, and the explosion of joy! Into details.
What did you say dear friend ?
WooooW !?!?!?
Accompanied by Seltec® technology, you will have images on the screen that combine information with emotions, thanks to quality graphic overlays.
You will experience a global interactive experience which include timing, data management, live results, displays, graphics, video, TV production.
Come to the first ATLETICAGENEVE village and meet our qualified partners :
Visana sprint & ATLETICAGENEVE
The fastest local young sprinters !
On Wednesday 7 June, 3 days before the meeting, meet some of the ATLETICAGENEVE's top athletes at the VISANA SPRINT in Geneva city center ! They will be there to warm up with the young sprinters then they will give them their prizes during the winner ceremonies.
Thanks to the coordination and impulse of the Geneva Athletics Association and the Sports Service of the City of Geneva the VISANA SPRINT for young athletes, aged 7 to 15 years.
Join us at the mur des Réformateurs !
Click here to learn more about the Visana Sprint
This is
your favourite
pure beauty,
& emotion !
and much much much more to come !
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April 24, 2023
Serious things are about to start ! !
Dear friend,
It's your 🍀 Lucky Monday morning, for once !
Registrations are now open for those events:
Men: 100m, 400m, 1500m, 110m Hurdles, 400m Hurdles, Long Jump, Pole Vault, Shot Put, Javelin Throw, 4x100m
Women: 100m, 400m, 100m Hurdles, 400m Hurdles, 800m, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Hammer Throw, 4x100m
We will have heats and A-B Finals for the 100m and A-finals for 1oo/110m Hurdles.
Prize Money structure and bonus system
As WACT / Bronze meeting ("C" Category), this is our Prize Money and bonus structure (click on this link for deeper details)
PRIZE MONEY are awarded to the first 5 athletes in:
- A-Races (individual or team events)
- A-Finals
- Field events
Placing scores
8 best performers of the SCRATCH ranking, except short Hurdles (only A-finals), sprint (only A-finals). (click on this link for deeper details)
Read the athletes' instructions for deeper details
The schedule will be published shortly. Like in 2022, the meeting begins with the 4x100m relays and will presumably start 11:45 and end 18:00.
ATLETICAGENEVE and Annecy for an exceptional WE !
This year, we have a collaboration with the new EAP meeting of Annecy (FR) which will take place the day after ATLETICAGENEVE and which will allow several athletes to also run at this meeting (or vice versa).
Read the presentation article of this athletics competition WE "Geneva-Annecy".
Visana sprint & ATLETICAGENEVE

By Paul Landowski - Roland Zumbühl:, CC BY-SA 3.0,
On Wednesday 7 June, ATLETICAGENEVE is involved with the Geneva Athletics Association (AGA) and the Sports Service of the City of Geneva in the organisation of the VISANA SPRINT cantonal finals (60 and 80m) in the Geneva city center, for young athletes, aged 7 to 15 years.
It will take place in front of the suggestive and symbolic "Mur des Réformateurs".
Some local, Swiss and foreign top-class athletes, participating in ATLETICAGENEVE will be there and available to meet young athletes and give the medals and awards to the winners. Join us !
Click here to learn more about the Visana Sprint
Volunteer we need you !
Volunteers can also register on our dedicated platform and choose the task that suits them best. We are looking for some 200 persons. Not necessary to be an athletics expert.
More information: click here.
Thank you ❤️ !
Dear friend, follow this link if you want to register as :
- Companion/Relatives
- Coach/Manager/Federation
- Media/Photographer/Broadcaster
- Physiotherapist/Kinesiotherapist/massager
- Other
ATLETICAGENEVE 2023 is waiting for you !
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February 14, 2023
Happy Valentine’s Day !
Every year, Valentine's Day is celebrated with incredible zeal, excitement and love around the world. And why not!
This day reminds us to cherish and celebrate the most beautiful emotion we experience: LOVE ❣️
Without wanting to spoil anything on this magnificent day, although too commercial, let's face it, we cannot ignore the tragedies that the world is going through at the moment 🖤.
But it is by celebrating love, this marvelous and deep feeling, that we can all better live together, understand, share, laugh, admire, help, joke, support. It brings energy, happyness, success 🏆 and much more, if you see what I mean, dear Cupid, Eros, Juliette, Romeo, euhh ... whoever you are !!
May this Valentine's Day spread all around us the emotion of life and inspire only positive feelings.
And in the midst of competition that we are, let's allow ourselves a moment.
And as far as we are concerned, we remind you that ATLETICAGENEVE will be on Saturday 10 June.
For those who really love athletics, please note that the next day, Sunday, there is still the possibility to compete in another new EAP meeting in Annecy (France), half an hour from Geneva. Prepare this memorable weekend 🚀🧨 !
Gorgeous, isn't-it ?
if that's not love ❤️❤️❤️ …
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January 01, 2023
Happy New Year !
The ATLETICAGENEVE organizing committee wishes you a happy new year 2023! May it bring you the all-important health, the pleasure of happiness and, as long as you do, prosperity!
We look forward to seeing you on June 10 of this year, at the Stade du Bout-du-Monde for a new exceptional meeting!
Happy New Year to you and all your loved ones
Pablo Cassina, Michèle Garlinski, Pascal Thurnherr, Grégory Morel, Michel Patry, Chantal Freund, Jean-Daniel Oberson, Sébastien Baud, Sophia Koulen, Jean-Noël Pasini, Yvonne Triviño, Alain Hugentobler, and all the 160+ volunteers !
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May 14, 2022
The 34th edition will be held on June 11, in exactly 4 weeks!
We are in the middle of discussions with many athletes and managers who ask us questions. If you haven't heard from us yet, be indulgent, you will all be contacted with a response. We have fallen a little behind the announced response time, thank you for your patience.
The many relay teams will be honored and will ignite the entry meeting!
It is always an exciting exercise to build a meeting of this level, the main objective of which is to offer athletes the best possible conditions to achieve the performance for which they have worked, suffered and had to question themselves so many once to finally give the best of themselves, once behind the starting line. Here in Geneva.
The other day I read an article which reminded us that only the 15 best athletes in the world, by discipline, can live from their sports activity. Do you realize what level of excellence is required to hope to earn a living?
And how fragile is this over time. How long does a career last, when all is well?
We are preparing this meeting as well as possible, to pay tribute to these athletes who, we feel, have a lot of expectations. Even if we cannot accept all the current requests, it is this energy that motivates us again and again, year after year, to welcome 500 athletes from 70 countries so that everyone can have his share of dreams, his own fireworks, a unique moment, a memory for life.
Pablo Cassina
President and founder
Even if in some disciplines we are currently almost complete, you're still in time to request your participation but, not later than May 30th 2022: Registrations
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May 11, 2022
Dear friend,
It's only been two weeks since we opened registrations and it had the effect of releasing bulls in the arena..! But we are not in Pampelone, we are in Geneva and are still trying to catch our breath.
Incredible, in less than ten hours we had already received 120 requests to participate. An unprecedented enthusiasm that put us in difficulty and even now we are processing the some 500 registration requests.
The announced response time of 3-4 days, this time we couldn't hold it, but we almost caught up. We apologize. A little more patience, everyone will have an answer.
In the 4x100m relays, we have 16 teams announced, for both women and men!
This has the effect of monopolizing the available lanes in the men's and women's 100m and the men's 200m. It's a promise we made to the national teams.
In other words, sprinters who are not part of a national relay team will have very little chance of being accepted.
This is also one of the reasons why certain answers have not yet been given because we are waiting for the compositions of the teams of the countries announced before being able to decide.
We work with a tailor-made, very complete, collaborative and efficient meeting management program (code name: wondermeeting-PS22). We would like to thank the developer Mr Paolo Sioli for this little wonder tool (if you are interested, please write to
Registrations remain open until May 30, there are still spots and lanes here and there. Please pre-register via our registration form.
The provisional program wil be updted in the next days, Some changes will be done and finally the meeting will start with the 4x100m relays as in previous years.
For those who do not participate in the competitions but wish to obtain accreditation (media, coach, manager, delegate, VIP, Sponsors, anti-doping, etc.) please open the athlete's registration form and click at the very beginning on " (...) Then please register here to receive your accreditation!". You will also find more information on our Media Corner page: or by writing to us at
A big meeting is getting ready, join the party and support too because we particularly need it: the events that have affected the world for two years have direct consequences on our budget by jeopardizing the existence of this beautiful meeting.
Become a supporting member, why not you, dear friend, or discover the various and attractive ways to sponsor us!
We thank HAGER Switzerland (solutions for electrical installation) as new Javelin Throw sponsor !
Volunteers ? registrations to officiate as volunteers are available on our management platform, by clicking here. We are always looking to complement our staff on and off the field.
Thank you all!
Pablo Cassina
President and founder
It's not yet too late, request your participation and not later than May 30th 2022: Registrations
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April 25, 2022
You can pre-register !
Dear friend,
It's Monday and we're back on task !
We've been updating our meeting management system and are now on "Ready-Set-Go mode", on time to answer your requests.
Request your participation from now on and not later than May 30th 2022: Registrations
Pre-register to ATLETICAGENEVE
Privisional timetable (subject to changes) is now available : Competition
This year our program is proposed in two sections. For this we only have the "A races" and the finals in the main part and as far as possible the others are grouped in the pre-program. The timetable will presumably be updated in the coming days.
Dear friend, if you have previously contacted us directly by email, we suggest you to fill the form. It'll be easier for everybody to follow up your request.
ATLETICAGENEVE 2022 waiting for you !
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April 16, 2022
Dear friend,
We just have time to look for the Easter eggs,... to swallow and digest them (...), and then we attack with the 34th edition of ATLETICAGENEVE!
Are you ready ?
We receive a lot of requests every day but as of April 25, as announced, online registrations will be officially open.
Until then, let's take advantage of this holiday season to wish you a Happy Easter!
Due to the pandemic and the war, some sponsors have preferred not to support us this year. I allow myself to launch a new appeal for sponsorship or for support or a donation as a supporting member. The fragility of our budget endangers our event.
Thank you very much !
We are not all lucky enough to live in a country at peace. My thoughts go out at this time to those who are going through difficult, dramatic and sometimes tragic times. The hope is that we will find dialogue between peoples.
Pablo Cassina
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Dear friend,
We're back on track !
The 34th edition of ATLETICAGENEVE is preparing another great edition. Dont miss the online registrations, opening in 2 weeks, next 25 April.
- Men: 100m, 200m, 400m, 1500m, 110m Hurdles, 400m Hurdles, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Javelin Throw, 4x100m
- Women: 100m, 400m, 100m Hurdles, 400m Hurdles, 800m, High Jump, Long Jump, Pole Vault, Discus Throw, 4x100m
- Youth local events (only for EAP members + local athletes):
- M U18: 100m, 800m
- W U18: 100m, 800m
⇒ More
- Points will be awarded to the 8 best performances based on the scratch ranking (limited to Races A and B and field events and A finals) regardless if it is on the pre or the main program. ⇒ More
- Individual events (only A races, A finals and field events): 1st place : 500€ / 2nd place : 400€ / 3d place : 300€ / 4th place : 200€ / 5th place : 100€
- Team events: 1st place : 1000€ / 2nd place : 800€ / 3d place : 500€
- Meeting Records : 150€
- Swiss Record: 400 CHF
- EAP Records : 400€
⇒ More
- Invited athletes will be lodged at the NASH Airport hotel or eventually the IBIS Airport hotel. Other athletes and accompanying persons can book at their own expense but benefit from preferential rates. ⇒ More
- Live Streaming: VincoSport
- Live results (Fantasy game and more): RosterAthletics on your smartphone or tablets
- Live Results: Swiss Athletics, by Seltec
- News, interviews, reports:
- ATLETICAGENEVE do not use single-use plastic, the winners will receive a seed to plant as a medal, we provide recycling bins, we favor recycled paper for our printed matter, and many other actions.
- Athletes will be able to participate in a World Athletics survey (a QR Code link will be provided) about sustainability.
- ATLETICAGENEVE adheres to the EAP Code of Conduct
- As EAP meeting, the orgnaizing committe is I Run Clean certified.
- All EAP athletes and their delegates are also certified
- All participating athletes are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct and must indicate if they are in possession of an I Run Clean certificate.
© photo by
In behalf of the organizing committee
Pablo Cassina
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MARCH 8, 2022
Dear friend,
On this particular day, but remembering that every moment of life must be exemplary through our behavior, our respect and our search for a better world, we would like to pay tribute to all the women who, through their courage, strength, self-sacrifice and sensitivity make this world a better place.
But it is also a day when humanity suffers.
All over the world we see injustices and, tragically, atrocities. Many women today do not have enough to eat, nothing to protect themselves... . Many women today suffer from humiliation and violence and at this very moment many women have to flee their country, in some cases leaving their husband or partner, trying to protect their child(ren). In the world, there is still so much to do.
This seems unthinkable and we must ask ourselves.
We have a very strong thought for all women.
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February o7, 2022Dear friend ,
we would be happy to welcome you at our support dinner

Save the date MAY 12, 2022
Data source:
Book your place!
Come to the evening of support, May 12, register on the website of the Starlette association where you will find all the detailed information.
Individual place: CHF 70.- / Table for 6 people: CHF 420.-
Teas and coffees offered for all.
Your reservation will be confirmed once your payment has been made.
- 6:00 p.m. Doors open
- 7:45 p.m. Welcome messages & presentation
- 8:00 p.m. Meal
- 9:45 p.m. Dessert
- 10:15 p.m. Raffle

Support member?

Thank you very much dear friend for your interest and your attachment to ATLETICAGENEVE. This is very important to us. The committee is at your disposal for any question relating to the support evening, to become a supporting member, to discuss sponsorship or for any other question relating to the organization or the meeting.
See you soon !

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January 1st, 2022
Happy New Year!
Dear friend,
Here we are :
01.01.2022 !
We wanted to say THANK YOU for your participation, help, support, partnership, collaboration or simply your interest in ATLETICAGENEVE.
WE WISH you and your family health, happiness, and success in the new year.
As you pursue your hopes and dreams, may this year bring you great success and may your journey be wonderful. We hope we can contribute to your main sporting achievements.
Yours sincerely,
World Continental Tour / Bronze
EAP meeting.
December 24, 2021
wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
Dear friend,
You participated in ATLETICAGENEVE and on behalf of the organizing committee we wanted to THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts ❤️ for making this meeting one of the best meetings in the world!
A lot of new things will be announced soon, but for now we just want to thank you and wish you, your loved ones, your family and all those around you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful and sucessful year 2022.
We hope we can make your hopes and dreams come true.
On behalf of the ATLETICAGENEVE committee: happy holidays !
December 24, 2021
wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Go to the Supporter member page ?
Dear friend,
During this holiday season, we would like to thank you for everything ❤️ for your support or your interest in the Geneva International meeting.
This year, which ends in a few days, has been exceptional. ATLETICAGENEVE, is ranked 40th in the world (!) With a new points record (84'271) and a completely acquired international recognition. Our meeting contributes to the renown of Swiss meetings: 6 Swiss meetings among the 100 best in the world, sorry, among the 41 best in the world! It's unique!
So let's celebrate this year's success together and look to the future!
Here are some indiscretions that we would like to associate you with and which will be part of a future communication from us:
- Support dinner (probably in February 2022), with a co-speaker and sports personalities of excellence
- The probability that the meeting (June 11, 2022) will be broadcast live (90 ') by Swiss television
ATLETICAGENEVE 2021 was 69 countries, 62 personal bests (PB), 10 national records, 1 best global performance of the year, and much more. More details here.
Some of you have supported us directly by responding to our call.
Without a doubt, ATLETICAGENEVE is the meeting, which at this level has the budget, and by far the most modest. With the new openings and new perspectives, we need to confirm our fan group and expand it further. Thank you for joining (or confirming) the ATLETICAGENEVE fan group for 2022.
You can support the meeting in this year 2022, with a donation of 50.-, 100.-, 200.- CHF or an amount of your choice, we would be very grateful to you!
The donation can be made in a few seconds, online, directly here: by credit card or, if you prefer, by bank transfer (IBAN CH78 0900 0000 1404 4882 5 - ATLETICAGENEVE. PO Box 306 - CH - 1211 Genève 12)
Obviously, you can also become a sponsor or donor if you wish to associate your name (or even by remaining anonymous) or that of your company with that of the meeting. A page dedicated to sponsors with a detailed dossier of the sponsorship concept is available here.
Our friendship is important to us!
But first and foremost and on behalf of the entire committee:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
The donation can be made in seconds, online, directly here:
May 9, 2021ATLETICAGENEVE in 5 weeks
Go to the Supporter member page ?
Dear friend,
We cannot begin without mentioning the uncertainties and difficulties which, like all of you, have characterized, and still affect, everyday life. We hope you and your loved ones are in good health.
Here we are: in 5 weeks the athletes will hit the track!
A year behind the scenes: preparatory work in committee (by videoconference), contacts to renew or establish with numerous service providers, discussions with the Sports Department of the City of Geneva, the Sports Fund (Fonds du Sport) of the Canton of Genève, the search for sponsors, the development of the volunteer platform, the new meeting management platform (SELTEC), the development of a new comprehensive meeting management tool, relations with Swiss-Athletics, European Athletics and World Athletics, as well as with the European Athletics Promotion circuit and adherence to its Code of Conduct and to the "I Run Clean" program of which we are certified, not to mention the implementation of TV Streaming, the deployment of the new identity through all our communication (web, social networks, and all media) as well as ... all the Covid procedures and the protection plan that we had to establish, confirms that the organization is a constant work and complex over a whole year. Exciting too.
33e edition !
And things are moving!
Almost all the Swiss elite will meet with the best athletes in Europe (and more). Our date is perfectly inserted in the period of qualification for the Games.
No doubt it will be a very high level edition: the best?
This Tuesday, May 11, at noon, ATLETICAGENEVE with Walter Zecca, president is the guest of Léman Bleu TV. Follow the show live or delayed.Following our first communication, we received some support (THANKS !!) and this allowed us to start the creation of this group of supporters.
We want to expand this group: the call for support is still valid.
Attend ATLETICAGENEVE on June 12?
To date, the number of authorized spectators (mainly coaches, federation and press) is limited to 100. We hope that by the date of the meeting it can be increased, but in any case, the supporting members are among the privileged guests.
Thank you for announcing you so that we can do what is necessary.
If you are not yet a member, do not hesitate to visit the page of our site dedicated to supporting members. You can support the meeting in this year 2021, with a donation of 50.-, 100.-, 200.- CHF or an amount of your choice, we would be very grateful to you!
The donation can be made in seconds, online, directly here: by credit card or, if you prefer, by bank transfer.
Obviously, you can also become a sponsor or donor if you wish to associate your name (or even by remaining anonymous) or that of your company with that of the meeting. A page dedicated to sponsors with a detailed dossier of the sponsorship concept is available here.
Dear friend, our friendship is important to us.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
The donation can be made in seconds, online, directly here:
January 3, 2021ATLETICAGENEVE launch the
Go to the Supporter member page ?
Dear friend,
Here we go with the 33rd edition of ATLETICAGENEVE.
We hope this message finds you in good health and we take this opportunity to wish you a happy New Year!
If you receive this message it is because you are part of the history of this extraordinary meeting.
Maybe you were one of those people who were there from the start of this adventure, or even before. Or you have participated several times as an athlete. Some have achieved exceptional performances, sometimes recorded forever in their absolute PBs. Others were able to qualify for European, World championships or Olympic Games . National and even continental records were established on the Bout-du-Monde track. Some athletes have shown their loyalty by participating 5, 6, 7 and even 10 or 11 times! Long and successful careers have been followed through ATLETICAGENEVE.
Each of these 33 editions tells great stories.
Today, ATLETICAGENEVE is an association which organises the international meeting:ATLETICAGENEVE has a new modernized logo and a new website that we invite you to discover.
The performance of the meeting, and its international reputation, first earned it the status of "Classic Permit" within the European Association and then also integration into the series of the World Continental Tour, Bronze Permit, from World Athletics (formerly IAAF).
For half a dozen years, ATLETICAGENEVE has been regularly in the top 50 of the best meetings in the world (including a 32nd place as the best ranking).
This fair recognition, de facto, also implies certain requirements which result in a larger budget. The association that we are wishes to perpetuate this meeting by creating a group of supporting members of which you would be part, thanks to your special attachment to ATLETICAGENEVE.
A page of our site is dedicated to supporter members. Thank you for visiting it and, if you think that you can support the meeting in this year 2021, with a donation of 50.-, 100.-, 200.- CHF or an amount of your choice, we would be very grateful to you !
The donation can be made in seconds, online, directly here: by credit card or, if you prefer, by bank transfer.
Supporting member status is valid for one year and entitles you to an invitation to the meeting, to the reception at the VIP lounge, an autograph card with the best athletes of the meeting, as well as other things that we will communicate to you later.
Of course, you can also become a sponsor or donor if you wish to associate your name (or even by remaining anonymous) or that of your company with that of the meeting. A page dedicated to sponsors with a detailed dossier of the sponsorship concept is available here.
If the idea of a supporter member should not suit you, we will keep your contact details in order to simply keep you informed - and to maintain our bonds of friendship - through this newsletter and in the hope of meet you at the meeting.
Friendship with you is important to us.
Looking forward to hearing from you!